Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This is a paper that I wrote for a class last semester. Excuse the casual language, it was for Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics so I wasn’t too picky with grammar/wording.
What would you do and/or say if your brother came out of the closet? What if it were someone who was a bit harder to love? Say your neighbor, or a church member. What about someone you dislike? How would you react? Would it change how you saw him/her and how highly you regarded him/her? Furthermore, what action would you take? Maybe you would turn a blind eye, maybe you would be accepting, or maybe you would even be supportive of his declaration. Would you try to forcing him to be straight and make the morally correct decision or would you let him make his own decisions and live his own life?
Homosexuality is an extremely controversial topic. The country disagrees on homosexuality, the state disagrees on homosexuality, even the Christian Church disagrees on homosexuality. What are we to do? This is not a small issue that can be overlooked, it must be directly addressed. People are dismissed from the military, shunned from society, and even looked down upon in church for revealing their sexual orientation.
There are many disputes on homosexuality. The Nation is currently arguing whether or not gays should be allowed into the military. In 1993 the Pentagon established a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding to gays enlisting and being allowed to rightfully defend their country. Now people are calling for it to be repealed due to military service being a right instead of a privilege. The states are battling whether or not to allow gay marriages, as California made obvious last year with Prop 8 which is being rewritten as homosexuals and homosexual supporters claim some voters did not fully understand the Proposition. The Church members are fighting the topic, trying to decide if it is morally acceptable or not.
Although President Obama indicated that he would eventually repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell” during his campaign last year, he has not made any moves since he took office and the White House has said that it won’t stop the military from dismissing gays and lesbians who admit their sexuality. The Democratic Party does not wish to currently outright ban homosexuals from entering the military because it caused problems for them as well as President Clinton when DADT was first passed. People have said that everyday DADT is kept in act our nation is robbed over more and more brave men and women who are willing to fight for their country, that it is legalizing discrimination, and event that it’s a travesty of justice and something that every judge on the Supreme Court should be ashamed of. However, the House Armed Services Chairman is reviewing the law to see if it is “still appropriate for today’s military” (Laura).
The state faces the issue of whether or not to legalize same sex marriages. Gays present the fact that they feel like they will never be able to feel as if they are married through civil unions. When Tracy Tierney was in the hospital she was asked for her marital status and when she replied that she was in a civil union the nurse marked the ‘single’ box. Tracy replied that she was “more married than single”, leaving the nurse quite flustered. If they were allowed to be married to one another there would not be such a dispute over the issue because after all, marriage is marriage, everyone knows what it means. At the same time, the state says that gays have no case to fight because after all, they are free to marry, just not someone of the same sex (Allison).
The church’s issue comes into play with whether it is wrong and sinful to be homosexual. The Bible’s seeming condemnation on homosexuality has even led some people to generalize that they must heed the Word of God as it isn’t always precise. Gay Christians present the idea that sinning is something that you have a choice about, whether you want to do the correct thing or the more appealing wrong thing, so how can they be sinning if they don’t have the choice (Frank)? This leaves believers in a quagmire. They must decide if homosexuality should be shunned, tolerated, or accepted; whether or not it is wrong; and if they should be allowed to be married.
I believe that homosexuals should not have to face all of these problems. There must be some compromise between them and the rest of society as their acceptance will be gradual yet progressive. Homosexuality isn’t something you can just express and expect everyone to be used to the idea immediately; it takes time to get accustomed to other’s different ways of thinking. After people have gotten more accustomed to gays being open about their sexuality, then they can push for more and more rights.
For now homosexuals need to choose their battles a bit more carefully. Trying to get past “Don’t ask, don’t tell” is not a very wise move, at the moment. Although it is not ideal, it is not terribly discriminating or oppressive, so they should be complacent with this for now. If they try to be too radical with their rights people who are borderline pro-gay will be quickly turned off. Gays should focus on the privilege of marriage, because that is relevant to every homosexual instead of just the ones who wish to enlist in the military. Marriage is everyone’s desire, it is the highest level of commitment, it is the biggest promise you can make to someone. The connotation of civil union has no where near as much magnitude as the connotation of marriage, so how dare someone try to keep a couple from that level of unity?
That begs the question of whether or not it is morally acceptable to be gay, the Church’s big battle. I believe that it is acceptable to be homosexual. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: … nor homosexual offenders…will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (Holy Bible, The…). This shows us that despite the fact that homosexuality is a sin, it is not one that cannot be forgiven. Jesus died so that he would cover our sins, even those of the homosexual. If God would not exclude them from his kingdom, what would give us the right to keep them from worshiping with us or scorning them when they do?
I believe that there are some homosexuals who cannot force themselves to be heterosexual. It has been observed through experiments that brain hormones function differently in people with different sexual orientations and that there are differences in the brain, including a larger and elongated suprachiasmatic nucleus and parts of the hypothalamus were smaller, both typical characteristics in female brains (Brian). If this is really the case, how can we say that homosexuals are damned if it is out of their control? Although some would argue that one can pray for help in this evil way, God doesn’t always say yes. This isn’t very different than someone asking to be cured from a disease like cancer. Sometimes God says yes and works a miracle, giving that person a new a rejuvenated life, but sometimes He doesn’t and puts them to rest. In the same way, sometimes God may work miracles, helping homosexuals to become straight, but who’s to say that homosexuals should be blamed if He doesn’t?
This all shows that we should be more accepting of homosexuals. We need to support them as Christians because they do go through great trials and if we, who are supposed to reflect God’s character, treat them rudely, then who will be kind to them and show them what God is really like? Luke 10: 27 says to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Holy Bible, The…).
This is all highly relevant because it is up to us, the new generation, to take action. Adults’ ways are already set in stone, but we can make changes. We can still adjust ourselves to be open minded enough to the point where we can accept homosexuals like brothers and worship with them. We can make sure the generations that will come after us will have a good example, that they will understand the truth about homosexuality, and that although it isn’t right it’s not something to condemn others for. We can help our Church become one.
We can also help homosexuals get the rights that they deserve. They are people that are not very different than us, and we must learn to respect that. They deserve the privilege to openly serve our country, but that must come in time. There isn’t much reason to deny them force them to keep silent about their sexual orientation other than that others aren’t used to it. Soon, we will be the ones voting and deciding what they can and cannot do. Nothing should stop them from protecting our country as an act of patriotism.
Homosexuals must be given the right to marry one another. We shouldn’t stand in the way of their partnership just because of our preconceptions. If they love each other and wish to traditionally dedicate their lives to one another, they should be allowed to. The confusion and rights of civil union are complex and tedious.
Although the idea of children growing up seeing homosexuality as a normal occurrence is a scary thought, that is where our roles come into play. It will be our role to teach them that although it isn’t normal, it isn’t necessarily bad. A child or teenager can see something that is bad and know it’s bad without scorning it, so we must build those principles in them while they are young, before the media and peer pressure come into play.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Football Tournament, Part 2

so I wasn't expecting to go today, but Mikeal talked me into it last minute last night.
& once again, it was hecka fun.
After watching a game we hung out for about half an hour, & then the guys were starving so Priya drove us to In-n-Out. Right before leaving school campus we rear ended the lady in front of us. Epically scary. Priya has only been driving about 8months and all of us in the car have our permits, so we could all get in trouble if the cops came.
Luckily, it was the other lady's fault because she shouldn't have stopped since the light was still green. I didn't notice because I was freaking out staring at the white bumper we were approaching way too quickly.
Anyway, we came back from In-n-Out, made fun of Bryanna for being crippled a bit longer (she tore her ACL in volleyball & then re-injured it playing volleyball before she was supposed to; the first time she tore it I was nice & sympathetic, the second time it was her fault :P), said bye to Gustavo (I won't see him til Jr/Sr Bible Conf T-T), & went home

"MIKEAL, STOP LYING TO ME! Resist your racial tendencies!" -Me
"He is, if not he would have already stolen the car." -Stephen

Saturday, October 31, 2009

football tournament

was so fun today. :D
I spent a lot of time with Priya, which we haven't done in a long time so it was quality time for us, however lame that sounds.
I know it sounds terrible, but I have to admit I like her better single because when she was with Charles she neglected her friends a LOT; but at the same time, she really misses him. . "/
Anyways, football tournament was really fun, although Lincoln (tuba player at band fest, 7ft tall) forgot me. ><; that was a downer. But it was really REALLY fun to see Gustavo again. :D I can't wait til Jr/Sr Bible Conference to get to see everyone again.

While watching the RAA vs. LAAA game, Priya and I were sitting on the side lines. Some random parent came & stood in front of us and I was like "Ah, booty!" and my ex-friend's boyfriend & his team mate turn around & look at me like I'm a super freak. ><; Priya & I just lawld it off.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I would find a way to ruin my perfectly good day. = =

note to self:
1. you can't do everything.
2. remember your priorities. God->family->friends->school->social.
taking care of others is really important.
3. remember: it's in your nature to be a crappy friend. you neglect those closest to you.
you have to fight against that.
4. do your geometry homework before midnight.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I hope this old train breaks down
Then I could take a walk around
And, see what there is to see
And time is just a melody.
-Breakdown, Jack Johnson.

I used to think that all I needed to solve my problems was time. Time to think things through, time to talk to people and get my priorities straight, time for drama to settle. Time fixes all things, doesn't it? I thought that if I simply had more time, I could change things, I could make them better.

When you're lost, you're supposed to find and hug the nearest tree. I forget which book it was, but it said during a storm you were supposed to tie yourself to the tree at the highest point of the island (it was another "oh no we're stranded on an island book").

I think that's what I need to do right now. I need to find a stronghold and brace myself for upcoming events. I have to hang on and not worry, these things will pass and slowly solve themselves. The situation is no longer part of my control. I need to trust God, to let Him solve it. To let life take it's course.

Stress is piling up right now. I don't know where it's all coming from. Suddenly my Chemistry text book is slapping me, suddenly I'm lost in a world of proofs during Geometry class. I don't know where it's coming from. Suddenly I don't know who my friends are anymore. . . Suddenly I don't know. . .

side note: awesome song, Fallin for You, Colbie Caillat.

Friday, October 9, 2009

LSU Band Fest part 1

Band Fest. . . band fest. . . band fest.
I don't even know where to start.

So first day we show up at rehearsal. I knew I would be third part (big downer) but I thought that I would at least be primary third. Wrong. Third part, second chair = failus maximus. I actually felt really bad about that for a while. . . Then I realized that the primary third sucks bouncy balls. She allegedly only practiced once out of Festival and if that's true then I have to give her props for catching onto hard runs quickly, but besides that. . . yeah. . . I honestly don't mean be pompous but I know that I and several other thirds were better than her. She has a really bad ear so she's usually sharp and doesn't understand the concept of dynamics or holding notes for their full length. I ended up talking to Sharla about it and she said it was probably just he needed a stronger player in the thirds. That made sense but I still wondered why I wasn't primary. . . then I figured out her father is not only the church organist but also the festival organist. . . FML.

Anyway, band fest overall has been really fun. Most of the music we're playing is fun and we're doing the harder things with LLA Symphonic so I don't have to worry about hard runs. . . just playing third sucks. I've actually learned a lot from this clinic. My ear has improved a lot, I learned more about perfect intonation (if two instruments are perfectly in tune you should hear a soft ringing of the same not about 5 octaves higher), and I learned some about intervals (minor thirds are also called the interval of youth because it's the first interval you learn, it sounds a lot like whining or teasing). There's a lot more that I've learned, but it's hard to recall it's forced.

I realized how much LLA is hated. Our director, Dr. Mahr, called both Sharla & I out on minor things while overlooking others. . . that was frustrating. New Berry was allegedly bashing on our school as well. "/ it's weird. I still prefer to be hated and go to LLA though because our band program. Some of these kids. . . they don't know what a lot of things are (ie. 1 Player, Solo).

The social side has been pretty fun. I dormed with Missy & we were suite partners with Rae Anne and Sharla. Some people from other schools can be kind of jerkish, but as a generalization the ones that I've talked to are really nice. Some guys from our school were being complete idiots though. Night #2 DB1& DB3 to hit DB2 in the nuts, and then DB2 decides to hit DB1 in the nuts harder, and finally, DB1 hits DB3 for a second time. Keep in mind that this is all in church after rehearsal. Brass boys at my school are poopoo heads.

We also met our Director's BFF. His name is Coffee I believe. Did sectionals with us. . . a pretty cool guy.

I also realized why college kids love coming home. Your own house, your own food, your own shower. It's nice.

Things have kind of been whack. One of my college friends at LSU totally awkwarded out & gave me a bit of a cold shoulder. Back here at home things have been crazy & weird. Boy on boy action + WB. . . crazy.

Peace. More to come later.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Why do I belive (more to come later)

So this year I finally get to take a real religion class. No more History of Religion stuff. It's legit thinking now. Well as legit as you get for high school students, at least. We were presented with the question "Why are you a Christian" and nobody really had an imediate answer to give.

This made me wonder. . . My first response was "because I need something to believe in". In my mind, I need relevance. I need to know that there's a point. I couldn't live life thinking that we live and die, there has to be more. I need hope. I need something to believe in.

That begs the question, "How do you know that there's something to believe in?" I know there's something to believe in because I've felt it's presence. Some say that this is merely a conjured fake feeling, but it can't be. You can't know what something feels like until you've felt it. You don't know what a kiss feels like until you've experienced it, you don't know what water feels like until you've been wet. I've felt some type of presence, some type of peace. It's impossible for me to have created this feeling, for me to have learned how to merely summon the right endorphins. There has to be some existent superior factor to have allowed me to feel this way.

This leads to yet another question, "How do you know that the Bible is true". This is another thing that you can't really be sure about. I believe it's true because it's existed and outlasted so much persecution. There are so many Christians that believe in the Bible, can you really dare say that they're all wrong? I know that's filled with gaps in logic, but it sort of makes sense, to me at least. This is by no means a band wagon thing, but really, so many people through such a long time period. . . they can't all be lunatics.

"How do you know Seventh Day Adventists are the correct denomination?" The truth is, I can't really be positive yet. I don't know what all the other denominations believe, but out of the denominations that I am familiar with, Seventh Day Adventism makes the most sense. It doesn't make sense to kill others in the name of religion. It doesn't make sense to literally eat Jesus' body every week. Now I realize that a lot of SDA 'rituals' don't make sense, but that's Christianity, not SDA belief. SDA's 28 Fundamental Beliefs on the other hand do make sense, and I agree with them, making me a Seventh Day Adventist.

I know my argument is fallacy filled, I'm no where near close to perfection on it, but it's a work in progress, and for now it makes sense to me.