Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sophomore Slump.

I'm in writing mood, yet the things I just wanted to talk about have suddenly up and left my head.

Well anyway, today I went to Loma Linda to fix my schedule. To sum it up, I can take Spanish 2 at LLA and I still have two kick-donk teachers for religion. Yet, there was a price to pay and I have to take applied arts my senior year and had to drop Honors Geometry, which really isn't all that big of a problem as I didn't want H. Geo in the first place. So the schedule is settled for now, although I'm going to talk to Mr. Jarrard. . . I'm kind of interested in H. Geo now. . .

Next year will be quite the hassle. I slacked off sophomore year, so now I really need to kick things into high gear. Sophomore slump is no longer an excuse. I must change, not only for my grades, not only for my friends, but for myself. No more leaving lessons unread, no more putting off studying, I have to try my best. I can't let myself talk and rant about my friends, they're the ones that get me through the day--I need to realize and appreciate that. I have to live for myself which means thinking about the future, sleeping more when I can, and taking that stress control B12 stuff. It's time to shape up.

I have to say, sophomore year was terrible both socially and academically. I took my old friends forgranted, placed too much faith in new ones, and was far too judgmental. Well, junior year is coming up. Thank you God for the chance of a fresh start.

1 comment:

  1. yeeep junior year is gon' eat you alive o.O but if you have ur mindset and strong relations then u'll survive, and i kno u will hill! love ya!
