Thursday, July 30, 2009


I haven't merely babbled about my life for a while. I think I'll catch up now.

Today-Work with Shyana is actually somewhat entertaining. I still dislike it, but it's not a loathing anymore. Bella, one of the modified workers, was sent back to work today making the work setting a bit more busy and noticeably quieter. On the bright side, on the the clients has a really cute grandson. He's not my type, but it lightens up the day & makes it a bit more interesting. He is however Shyana's type. ;) Kidding, somewhat. Lunch at Carls & Rite Aid. Boba & wandering around the Loma Linda Plaza was really fun, despite the heat. PowerHouse, not too bad although some of the kids who come are idiotsssss. Coach hurt his leg though. . . I'm pretty worried about that. It just kind of sucks to see him finally getting old, I've known him almost as long as I've known Shyana. . .

Life in general-Confusion much? Right when I feel as if I have the answer to my question, I'm presented with another possible answer, another way of looking at the situation. Yet, despite the maze in my head I think I'm finally happy. A friend pointed out that I should be able to like someone without having to strive for a relationship with him, and I'm finally trying to do that. Just be friends. Nothing more. It's hard to stay in that state of mind, but hopefully it'll be worth it. I feel happy. Actually, legitimately happy. It's a very good feeling, I just hope it will last. Relationship with the parents is alright, for the time being, another plus. Relationships with the amigos are rebuilding themselves. The only thing that is getting worse is The Fall. . .we really need to figure out a way to revive that place, without Jr/Sr Bible Conference. . .it's really tough. My spiritual life could use some work too, although it can never be strong enough that's no reason to slack.
Yet despite the change, despite the challenges--all in all, it's a good summer.

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