Friday, July 10, 2009

It Ends Tonight.

Work sucked today, who woulda thunk it? It wasn't boring, it's just I was dead tired and I'm not exactly sure why. I didn't stay up till obscene hours of the night as usual, nor did I load up on sugar and/or caffeine the day before, I was merely exhausted. I got to do secretary work today; it's so much better than helping in the Blue room! I felt bad for ditching Bob though, I think he wanted to talk to me. The Fall was a bit depressing. We pretty much failed at announcements, but oh well, beginner's (un)luck(iness). Our video for Craig backfired, I was pretty bummed about that. I'm really going to miss Craig, but we have to move on.

His last advice to me was to think about being a pastor when I grow up. It's really strange. . . I never really considered it. I mean, I love helping with church stuff, listening to people's problems and trying to help, and helping others with self improvement, but pastor? I can't wrap my mind about that. I don't feel spiritually strong enough to guide the spiritual lives of others. I always thought I'd grow up to be a pediatrician, until a few Biology tests into the year that is. Now I'm not really sure if Biology isn't my thing, or if Gonzalez was just not for me. I know she was a good teacher, well at least the whole showing-us-how-this-can-be-applied-in-real-life" aspect but how she explains things just doesn't click for me. And to go into medicine, science and math is important right? Guess what. I'm a math failure. So the medical field is a very fuzzy picture. So option number two? It seems more logical to frame my career around my strengths than to pick a career and hope that I'm talented in that field. So what am I good at? Well, honestly, I'm not even quite sure about that myself. I've found that I typically enjoy my English classes (assuming that I have a competent teacher *cough cough*), so what about something in the English field? What professions work well with an English major? Journalism, writing, law, and obviously teaching English. Well journalism is a tough cookie to get into, and I'm no Sam Sukaton. Next. Writing--I would love to write for a living, but unfortunately unless I can pull a J.K. Rowling it doesn't have a very steady flow of income. Pass for now. Law--I really don't feel like going into law would be my thing. I don't know if I could handle the stress. I might try Mock Trail senior year though, assuming it doesn't crash and burn next year without Mr. Lang. Pass for now. Teaching English--I'm not sure if I would have enough patience for that. Merely imagining being an English teacher. . .I would hate, hate, HATE high school students. Who knows about college level teaching. So I suppose I could try teaching and write on the side, but I don't feel like I would enjoy it as much as pediatrics. Who knows what I'll be when I grow up.

So back to the fall--
This is just a little bulletin I put up on Myspace, but I wanted to save it here on my blog. I just figured it would be a good inspiration for when The Fall days get rainy.
It's too late to fight, it ends tonight.
Let's hope the All-American Rejects are wrong.
Darkness has to turn to light, in a good way.
Everybody, please pray for The Fall.
Craig has done an amazing job, but now it's our turn to become hardcore.
There will be a lot of slack left to pick up, but we can do it.
We have to, lest campus spiritual life return to what it was before. Nonexistent.

So come on, jump a little louder.
Come on, clap a little louder.

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