So we went to Chipotle for lunch today, and I decided to leave my ChapStick in the car since I didn't have a purse. Now I'm a HUGE lip balm addict. The tingly feeling in your lips from the medicated brands, the relief of putting it on after being without it for a few hours, it's a panacea curing everything from chapped lips to a chaffed nose. I absolutely love chapstick. I get excited when I try a new type, lamesauce but it's just that great. When I returned to the car, I oppened my tube of chapstick I foudn it was melted. Not just kind of gooey, but completely melted--as in some splashed out of the tube and onto my hand and I started yelling while about half of the tube fell onto the floor and my clothes. This wasn't any kind either--it was ChapStick Moisturizer, my favorite brand. It's not one of the kinds that don't feel all that great a couple weeks after you buy it, it's feel great practically til the tube runs out. And now, my favorite chapstick is dead. Now I could relate this to life and how the things you love the most always seem to end up burning and blistering you in the end--but no, this was just a blog about how sad I am that my ChapStick died. :(
Although I am looking forward to trying a different kind. I have like four open tubes around my house right now though, but I always lose them!
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