Friday, July 24, 2009


Trust. noun--confident expectation of something; hope.
Trust is a funny thing. The words "I trust you" sound so confident, yet really what does one have to base trust upon? Other's actions, other's words? Well many people's actions lie, and many people's words lie. How do you really know if someone is trust worthy? I guess that's it. . .you don't know. Trust is merely a hope. A hope that someone won't fool you, a hope that someone won't lie to you, a hope that someone wont use you. Trust. It seems so strong, so durable but it's not. It's merely another words that we abuse daily.

Love, noun--strong predilection, enthusiasm, or liking for anything.
Love. Yet another word that is abused daily. "I love you". Do you really love him/her? It's an emotion. How do you really know when you love someone? When you'd be willing to give your life for him/her? That's so easy to say, but if you had to experience your worst fear in the most gruesome excruciating way possible, would you? Would you go through all of that to save him/her from a quick and painless death? The connotation is so different than the denotation. In my mind, love is a passion, a feeling, an emotion yet in the dictionary it's merely a strong liking or passionate affection? I don't think love can be expressed by mere adjectives and nouns, yet there are some I know who don't go a day without carelessly throwing such a powerful word as a mere verb to make someone feel appreciated.

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