Here's my mini-tribute, call me lame. It's scream, not Michael's biggest hit & I know it wasn't his best, but it's one of my favorites.
So today was a pretty good day. I went to church and it was fun (even though I totally fell off of the stage and broke my shoe). Only Marcello showed today. :( Oh well, hopefully I'll see my kids again next year. Came home for lunch, but 2:00 PM rolled around and I wasn't very hungry. I took a nap and had this crazy dream (as in a bad crazy). When I woke up, I had some good text-versations with people, ate dinner, practiced clarinet, broke in reeds, and talked to Priya on the phone. I'm about to go feed the dogs, relatively productive day, yes? I think so, for a Sabbath at least. I still need to put the pedal to the metal for some Fall stuff. . . --sigh--

I've also decided that I'm going to try to keep my blogs shorter and more personal so that later I can use my blog to reflect on my life later. I'm going to aim for one deep though and just a summary of my day, daily.
Okay, I'm out. Time to feed the puppies.
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