Tuesday, June 23, 2009

no deep thinking today.

contemplation escapes me. (is that a correct sentence?)
i can't really think of anything in particular to talk about, so i'll just be blogging off stress and hopefully run into some random deep topic along the way.
i'm also going to start trying to use better grammar starting----now.

Vacation Bible School started today. What a NIGHTMARE. For the past couple of years I've been with the same partner but he was asked to be the general VBS photographer, leaving me with a seventh grader who allegedly runs around the playground at recess neighing and portraying characteristics of a horse. Great. I wouldn't mind so much if she merely did her job. Unfortunately, I'm stuck herding six children while she caters to the needs of her little sister, who i don't believe is even supposed to be enrolled in VBS. She's also hard of hearing. I have to basically shout when she is five feet away in order for her to hear, and she naturally returns the favor--blasting out my eardrums from three feet away.

Random factum--I wish I wore glasses regularly. I have reading glasses, but they're really a pain to keep putting on and off, and i get really dizzy when i look further than about six feet with them on. I (usually) love how people look with glasses on. Glasses can either make someone look educated, or just add to an outfit. They also give you an excuse to wear colored contacts. I'm not sure why I just went on that little speil (even though it wasn't all that long), I'm just really bored and in a writing mood. It was either glasses or a rant on why I hate the movie Roman Holiday.

On a more personal note, the lonely feeling is returning. This is really pissing me off. It seems like everyone is pairing off, and we're still in bloody high school. Honestly, I don't think I would be feeling this way if it weren't for the million and two couples that enjoy so diligently displaying their affection. This isn't a personal attack on anyone, I honestly don't mind PDAs all that much, I'm just frustrated. The more I think about it, the more it seems as if dating is just a peer pressure fad. When people get into relationships not because they really care for and feel emotionally and physically attracted to their partner but because they just can't find anyone else, something must be wrong.

Okay, that's really all that I can think of at the moment that's blog worthy.
I guess I'm out.

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